Monday, September 11, 2006


I wonder sometimes what my purpose is here, if this is really where I am supposed to be or if I am just not trying hard enough. I wonder if these are the things that really count or if I am missing the mark somewhere, somehow. I know what my passions are...I am not very passionate about this. An atmosphere that is so cold, and so withdrawn; where are all the people, where is all the ministry, where are all the souls? These are the things that matter to me but yet I find myself here- stuck or am I really? Am I truly stuck or or is this just the process and the beauty of experiencing life? Is this ministry? I guess it is not as glorious, spirit-filled or much less intense as what I anticipated ministry to be. Its all about people, right? And if its all about people that means seeing them as Jesus does, filthy rags, hurts, needs, identity and all. So maybe that is the real I truly see people with from God's point of view and with His heart? Maybe if I did, everything would be ministry and every moment would be an opportunity to express His love. Maybe...

This was written as I sat at my desk at TCF, observing and helping my customers, wondering if this was the point.

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