Saturday, April 25, 2009

1000 in 5- The First Day

For those of you who have not heard, I am pursuit of a goal...a big goal. But you can help me reach it. My goal is to sell 1000 copies of my book, Dancing on Hot Coals in 5 days, just 5 days. The reason, loan sharks are after me and if I don't come up with the money they will take my life! Ok, no really, that's not it at all. But the reality is that times are a lil' tough and you gotta make it in any "legit" way that you can. This is my way. Here is how you can help:

If you have not had a chance to purchase a copy of Dancing on Hot Coals, purchase it at . The new price: $15. If you want to get a snip-it at the book, visit

Secondly, tell all your friends about it. Blog about it, update your facebook status, twitter about it, I'm recruiting you!

Thirdly, celebrate with me when I reach my goal. Only 5 days. On your mark, get set, go!


Dancing on Hot Coals...

...when life gets rough, just dance

It is a must read for women young and old alike. Although men and women are both created in the image of God, women have been blessed (or cursed depending on how you look at it) with a unique disposition that allows us to see and experience things differently. Dancing on Hot Coals will encourage women to acknowledge their sensitivity, vulnerabilities and weaknesses as points of strength rather than moments of destruction. It will encourage women to move past pain and embrace healing through the pain. It will encourage women to wrestle with their faith and the questions of life without answers but resting in that place of ambiguity as a result of God's great love. Ultimately it will draw them into a deeper understanding of who they are in light of who God is.

Click Here to Purchase Your Own Copy

or email me at and I will deliver it to your front door!

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